Be a man or woman of good moral character |
Be a citizen of the United States of America |
Be a legal resident of the State of Alaska for a minimum of twenty (20)
accumulative years of which you have been physically domiciled in the Territory/State for a minimum of seven (7) months of each qualifying year |
Be domiciled in the State for at least seven (7) months prior to submitting your application |
Be a spouse of a qualified member of the Pioneers of Alaska with at least five but less than twenty years of residency and at least 20 years of age |
To apply for membership in Men’s Igloo 6 or Women’s Igloo 6 please mail two copies of the application with original signatures and the application fee to the appropriate Igloo at P.O. Box 21005, Juneau, Alaska 99802. |
Click on the titles to open and download the forms. |
Membership Application Form and Biographical Sketch |
Generations Form Instructions |
Generations Form |